R24: Abu Dhabi, UAE
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PFF1 World Ranking 08.12.2024
The World Ranking is re-calculated at the beginning of a season and after each race. Retired competitors are not in the ranking. Competitors without teams in the current season are listed as 'inactive'. World Ranking points: The position in the PFF1 World Championship is the basis. The achieved points of the last 2 seasons are added to the points of the current season. In addition bonus points are awarded for special achievements. Bonus points of the last 4 seasons will be considered. You can find the complete calculation in the rules.
  WR 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020  
Pos. Competitor Points Points Bonus Points Bonus Points Bonus Bonus Bonus Seasons Trophies Status
451.-3H8wk89 AGBR1218001193250000202310inactive
452.-3mhblu AUSA119100119100000202310inactive
453.+7Mrafi29 (R) AGBR11841084100000000202410active
454.-4speedmaster PGBR11830011483500002013 - 202382inactive
455.-4Teutonia AAUT118000118000000202310inactive
456.+6DV19 (R) AGER1177115225000000202410active
457.+4FastMike44 (R) AGER1173112350000000202410active
458.-2SainzOfDistress (R) AGBR115711570000000202410active
459.-5petethegeek AGBR1131001131000002017 - 202330inactive
460.-3loizos250 ACYP112100112100000202310inactive
461.-3FormulaColorado AUSA111600111600000202310inactive
462.+4MrD (R) ANED1113106350000000202410active
463.-4US Williams Fan AUSA1110001110000002013 - 202380inactive
464.+7Aemk84 (R) AVEN1055103025000000202410active
465.-2RELENTLESS COMICS AGBR1042001017250000202310inactive
466.-2Sebastian AAUS1039001039000002014 - 202320inactive
467.+3agevaled (R) AARG1036101125000000202410active
468.+11vibrassa (R) ACAN1032100725000000202410active
469.=Paul Cooke (R) AGBR102810280000000202410active
470.-2no mikey no (R) AGBR102310230000000202410active
471.-6FlavioBriatore AAUT1021001006150000202310inactive
472.+4phipse AGBR1003100300000002018 - 202430active
473.=Gabriele (R) AITA9999990000000202410active
474.-7Bo Diggles AUSA99400969250000202310inactive
475.+7Tresdogs88 (R) AUSA99196625000000202410active
19 / 22 

94 Race 24  021
3790 (438) Abu Dhabi, UAE (6.12.2024-8.12.2024) 411

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